Last Friday, we had an incredible day of biblical counseling. One major factor of our success was likely due to our prayer covering! Our volunteers prayed for this ministry’s labor all day long. We dedicated ourselves to the “work” of prayer before, during, and after the day of counseling. We long for breakthroughs with our counselees!

Please join us in praying for the precious people we have the privilege to serve. You may not know the names or the needs of these people but God does! Ask Him to move on their behalf during and after their sessions with our staff and volunteers!

We believe in the power of Christ to change hearts and lives! We are helping people in their families and it has an impact upon generations to come! Think of the lives that are changed for the GOOD due to the sacrifice and commitment of our staff and volunteers! Generations are impacted!!!!! Potentially, thousands of people are affected for good!

-Mark (thankful for the gift of prayer and knowing that God hears our prayers and is able to do all of His will)