Family Help for Addiction:

A Care Group Study

Host a 12-Week Group Study Helping an Addict’s Loved Ones

You’ll have everything you need to start a group study in your church, ministry, program, or home!

Taught by Dr. Mark E. Shaw, this Group Study aims to offer biblical help and genuine hope to family members of addicts in a teaching-and-small-group format that includes weekly lessons, discussion questions, and homework so that everyone involved draws closer to Christ.

This 12-Part Online (pre-recorded) Video Series is perfect for churches, residential programs, 501c-3 organizations, and retreats.

Instructor: Dr. Mark E. Shaw

Resources Included with Your Purchase:

  • 12 online video presentations (each lesson is 20-35 minutes in length)
  • 12 participant handouts to accompany each video lesson (digital download)
  • 12 PowerPoint presentations for you, the leader, to use if you decide to teach (digital download)
  • A Leader’s Guide Manual with a helpful video from Dr. Shaw
Family Help For Addiction Screencap


If you have questions about how your church can utilize this program, please email [email protected].



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