Truth in Love endeavors to be a giving ministry! We want to be characterized by our giving spirit!

For example, we GIVE our books, booklets, and resources away to our counselees! In our 8 months of existence, we have purchased over $1100.00 in biblical counseling resources to hand to those we are privileged to serve. (We still have many of those resources on hand to give!) That is 14% of our total receipts since TIL’s inception! Praise the Lord that we can give that much already!

It is so great to give someone a biblically-sound resource, ask them to read and mark in it, and then to follow up in subsequent sessions to review and discuss it. These resources TEACH people biblical principles and expound upon the powerful Word of God so that they can understand what God is saying to them!

We are blessed to be able to give and I’m thankful for the donations provided to help us GIVE to others! Those who have given to us enable us to give to others. Giving breeds more giving and eventually our counselees will give by being obedient to do the will of the Lord Jesus Christ as they gain understanding of His Word!

God’s economy is awesome! Here’s what God Himself says about GIVING in Proverbs 11:24:

One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.”


-Mark (serving a great God Who is greatly to be praised – oh, what wisdom He has!)