By TAC Team
Are you afraid of death? What about the fear of a loved one’s death?
You are not alone. Fear is rampant through our country and our world. COVID-19 did not ease our troubled minds any. And if someone you care about is using a substance like Methamphetamines, alcohol, or opioids, then you are aware that overdose death may come unexpectedly and unintentionally. There are so many dangers of continued use and abuse.
Fear of Death
The fear of death is in our very beings, yet we most often try to suppress it. Some lie to themselves as if they can snub the reality of death. Others soothe themselves by trying to think that death won’t be so bad.
Ignoring death and its ugliness does not solve our problem.
But, we don’t have to be afraid of death because death has been defeated. Pastor Brad Bigney’s sermon (Easter 2022) addressed our inherent fear as humans. That sermon can be found by clicking this link.
It’s good to remind ourselves of these realities when battling the specific fears that can accompany a loved one’s addictive lifestyle:
You are not in control.
Other people (like doctors, rehab specialists, counselors, and other family members) are not in control.
God is in control.
“So we can confidently say, The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”
(Hebrews 13:6, ESV)

In the Group Study, Family Help for Addiction: A Care Group Study, Dr. Mark Shaw teaches 12 video lessons entitled: A New Beginning, Answering an Addict, Prayer and Forgiveness, A Divine Intervention, Lost and Found, Understanding Temptation, God-Given Responsibilities, Investing in a Willing Soul, Speaking the Truth in Love, Loving Relationships, Your Heart Transformation, and Making Disciple-Makers. Click here to find out more information!
Fearing men is not what God calls us to do and this is covered in Dr. Shaw’s Family Help for Addiction lesson on “God-Given Responsibilities.”
Dr. Shaw’s notes for the participants say:
“Do you love control? Are you pretending to be in the role of God? Take inventory of your responsibilities. Ask a Trusted Christian Friend to help you evaluate your thoughts, words, and actions…
Evaluate what you are doing that you should NOT be doing. Learn to practically trust Christ by praying, not worrying, and surrendering your addicted loved one to Him… letting go of control… [without] forsaking your responsibilities.”
Mark E. Shaw, Family Help for Addiction: A Care Group Study,
Student Handout for Lesson 7, The Addiction Connection, 2020.
(Found at the by clicking on the tab “Start a Group.”)
Jesus encouraged us to fear the One who has all the power over the bodies and the souls of those whom we love…
“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.’ (Matthew 10:28, ESV)
Fearing death isn’t necessarily a bad thing. There is a positive aspect to the fear of death when it leads us to flee temptations that will trap us.
We don’t have to fear death in a way that paralyzes us, but in a way that causes us to seek God and reach out to His people, the Church. Read the blog, “Desperate Parents Need Real Help.” for more help and hope.
Check out our other blogs!
–Drug Overdose Deaths Continue to Rise
–EASTER: Meditations for Addicts Week 6 -Discusses Did Jesus really rise from the dead?
The Addiction Connection is Here for You!
The Addiction Connection is a network of ministries who offer hope in Jesus for those struggling with addiction of any kind. Our network of encouraging resources, ministries, and biblical programs that stretch across America and the world will always point people to truth in Jesus Christ for answers.
Quick Links
- Looking for biblical addiction training? Find out about our 4-6 month Commissioning Program HERE.
- Here is a list of people we have trained in biblical addiction counseling through our Commissioning Program who you can reach out to for hope and help.
- Need a Biblical Residential Program? Here are some we recommend.
- Need a Biblical Non-Residential Program? Here are the ones we’d recommend.
- Are you a leader who wants to help addicts? Check out this disciple-making curriculum we created just for you entitled Next Steps: Be TRANSFORMED.
- Looking for additional resources, courses, curriculum? Find out more HERE.
- Are you more of a podcast-listener-while-you-get-things-done? The Addiction Connection Podcast is just for you!