Please welcome aboard my dear brother and servant of the Most High – Jason Cooke!

Jason is working on NANC certification for biblical counseling and will continue to develop into an extraordinary biblical counselor in coming years. Jason understands what biblical counseling is all about and has the right balance of “truth in love” when he ministers to others. He’s a great partner for me and I learn a lot from him! I’m so thankful to our Lord for bringing him on board our team. Jason has been working tirelessly to get this ministry to where it is today and is no longer a volunteer but a paid staff person. He is a BIG reason TIL is where we are today!

We thank the Lord for His provision and especially for His provision of such a talented, humble servant like Jason Cooke to Truth in Love! What a blessing Jason is to all of us!

-Mark Shaw (serving a Great God Who is worthy to be praised!)