I was reflecting the other day about why is there a stigma for those who get counseling in the church (we’ll call them “counselees”) and it hit me! It’s because there are 2 groups of people:



Those who think they do NOT need counseling

2 groups of people – 1 stigma. The group that THINKS they do not need counseling do not understand two things:

1) First, counseling is simply pin-pointed discipleship focused upon a specific problem area. It is not something just for “crazy people” – that’s a worldly idea of counseling. Biblical counseling relies on the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to bring change.

2) Second, these people mistakenly see counseling as something that “weak people” need. By default, these folks are thinking that they are strong, at least temporarily at that moment of time. They are trusting in themselves and relying upon self more than Christ.

I would submit to you that #2 above really scares me about the state of thinking in the church today. We are all weak, needy, and dependent people in need of Christ at ALL times, especially when we are feeling strong (which may be a prideful delusion)!

So I would say to those who do NOT want “crazy” people who need counseling in their church fellowship that they are targeting the wrong people! The real “nut jobs” are those trusting in themselves, thinking they are strong, and do not need any counseling!

Proverbs 3:5-8 would seem to say the same thing:

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make straight your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes;
     fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your flesh
    and refreshment to your bones.

Healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones only comes as you “be not wise in your own eyes” humbling yourself to the point of receiving biblical counsel!

-Mark (the crazy people are not who you might think; take a closer look!)