Commissioning Process for IABC Certified Counselors

Relational Connection & Practical Disciple-Making


One of the main things we do at The Addiction Connection (TAC) is commission those who are called by God to biblically counsel people struggling with addiction. Commissioned individuals are then listed on our website and able to encourage one another through relational connections. Our commissioning process is more than just taking some training courses. While sound theology is the foundation, our 100% virtual commissioning process is relational and practical: preparing and strengthening you for real ministry to those enslaved to addiction.

TAC does not exist to exclude people who do not think theologically in the very same way that others do. The Lord brings each of us to an understanding of His Word that deepens and can change as the Christ-follower grows (i.e., end time views). As long as a candidate agrees with the basic tenets of Scripture, which is what the Disciple-Making Phase—22-questions are getting at and can demonstrate that by the work of the Holy Spirit they can take these theological truths and help a person apply them to their lives in a practical, life-transforming way, they’re in!

The disciple-making time going through the 22-questions is a time to discern if a person has an understanding of foundational biblical truth and how to apply that truth in helping “addicts.” This has been a driving-force vision for TAC since the very beginning.  Anyone can use books and the internet to formulate well-written biblically sound answers to the 40 questions. But understanding how those theological truths help give real and practical help to an addict comes from the Holy Spirit-inspired Word of God as the Holy Spirit illuminates and teaches the Christ-follower.

We’re not looking to create cookie-cutters biblical “addiction” counselors, we’re looking to help train, disciple, and encourage Christ-following men and women as they follow God’s call in their lives to help those struggling with the sin and concomitant issues related to “addiction.”

The original intent of the Disciple-Making Phase, two Christ-followers meeting with a candidate for commissioning who had, or will, answer 22-questions was two-fold:

1. To have them write out their answers and understanding of the biblical truths and how to apply them. This was designed to be a more “formal” process—writing it as if it were a term paper. These answers were to be sent to the two disciple-makers in advance of the “meeting.”

2. During the meeting, the disciple-makers ask the candidate to role play that they are the “addict” or a family member and explain that biblical truth to him or her in a way that helps them understand the how that biblical truth applies to his or her situation. Sometimes the written answers or the application responses indicate a need for teaching on a particular subject, theological or practical. These disciple-making sessions are not intended to be staid theological exams or theological debates, they are intended to do precisely what the name indicates … make disciple-makers. Ensure the candidates theological understanding on foundational biblical truths and their ability to transfer that knowledge to practical application.

It isn’t important that a candidate can pronounce “propitiation” or even use it in answering a question, we want to know if the candidate knows what the bible says about “propitiation” and what it means or does in the life of a person—addict or not.

You can expect the entire process, not including prerequisite or supplemental training, to take 2-to-3 months.

We strive to make the commissioning process an affordable, attainable program. You may pay in a lump sum or in several payments.



Resource Networking

Explore the people, programs, and publications we can confidently recommend to you because each one is committed to God’s Word as they offer, “The Hope of the Gospel for the Heart of Addiction.”

Attending the TAC Leadership Summit is a great way to connect with those who are in the trenches doing the same type ministry you are doing. Introduce yourself to those whom you don’t know. Exchange contact information. Keep in touch via email, text, and social media.

Peer Group discussions will introduce you to those who are ministering in the same roles as you.

Regional Groups will help you meet those who are close by. Help your Regional Coordinator keep those in your region connected.



Overview of Commissioning Process

Step 1: Pre-Requisite Online Training, Reading, Listening

Select One (1) Online Course to Complete:


Read the following books while utilizing and completing the Reading, Listening, Video Assignments Study Guide:


Sign up for this FREE COURSE to listen to The Addiction Connection’s 12-Podcast Series (Podcasts #29-42) that Biblically critique the 12 Steps of AA. As you listen to these podcasts, complete and use the same Reading, Listening, Video Assignment Study Guide.


(Optional) Helpful Reading Materials:


Step 2: Applications A & B

  • Application A: Submit the online application found on this page.
  • Application B: DOWNLOAD HERE, fill in your answers, and email it to [email protected].


Step 3: Interview

Email [email protected] to schedule an initial phone interview.


Step 4: Supplemental Work

Complete any supplemental training as assigned by your interviewer. This may include reading additional books or completing other assignments to enhance your theology, counseling understanding, or skills.


Step 5: Weekly Connection with Team

Meet virtually with a two-person Disciple-Making Team for a relational dialogue as you work through the 22 Questions: DOWNLOAD HERE.

As you’re waiting for this phase to begin, you can go ahead and begin working on your answers to these questions and look up Scripture references to support your answers. It’s never too early to work ahead on this! Usually, an applicant can complete 3-4 questions per week over an 8-week time period. However, this process will look different for each Commissioning Candidate, depending on where the team recommends additional assignments or teaching on particular topics. For more information, see “How Long Does Commissioning Take?” in the Frequently Asked Questions below.


Step 6: Final Evaluation Case Study

Prepare for and complete a Final Evaluation Case Study with a new set of Commissioners during a one-time meeting (typically takes 1-2 hours). This includes 10 questions and a case study.

Email [email protected] to request access.


Step 7: Submit Payment

  • Individual Commissioning Cost: $457.00
  • Married Couple Discount: please email us to request this discount.

Breakdown of Commissioning Fees:.

Application A (online) No Cost
Application B (download, complete, and email to us) No Cost
Required Books to Read Candidate’s responsibility
Foundations of Biblical Counseling online training $97.00
Initial Interview $50.00
Disciple-Making Written/Oral Exam (process) with Commissioning Team $200.00
Final Evaluation $75.00
1st Year Membership $35.00
TOTAL $457.00

Once fully paid, you are now a Commissioned Addictions Biblical Counselor (CABC). You will be recognized and receive a certificate of completion at The Addiction Connection Leadership Summit or it will be mailed to you.

Additionally, your name will be listed alongside the Commissioned Addictions Biblical Counselors (CABC).



Application A: Online Application

This is Application A. After completion, download and complete (Application B), then email it to [email protected].

    Please notify your Pastor that he will be receiving a request for a Pastoral Recommendation for you to proceed with becoming a Commissioned Addictions Biblical Counselor (CABC).

    Check the degrees of Bible Education you've attained

    Required Reading: Check off completed ones (*You can still proceed with Commissioning if you have not read all of these books; however, you will be expected to read them all by the end of your Commissioning Process)
    Heart of Addiction - ShawUnderstanding Temptation: The War Within Your Heart - ShawRelapse: Biblical Prevention Strategies - Shaw

    Now that you have completed the online portion of the application (Application A), download the written portion (Application B) and once completed, email it to [email protected] Feel free to email Lisa with any questions about commissioning.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are the advantages or benefits to being Commissioned through TAC?

    One of the wonderful perks of being part of the TAC family is that you have a host of godly men and women with varied experiences in dealing with addiction issues that you can ask questions of and seek help from.

    Once you receive your CABC with us, you will be added to TAC’s Facebook page: TAC Team. This is a great way to pose questions and get help.

    Also, we hold annual TAC Leadership Summits, as well as national, international, and regional trainings. Watch our website and social media for information as it is available. If it is at all possible, we recommend you attend the Summits and any trainings your schedule allows. You will meet TAC folks face-to-face, in addition to being encouraged and equipped to minister more effectively.

    Furthermore, as a CABC, you’ll have the opportunity to disciple others if you choose to become a volunteer Commissioner with us. This is a great way to make lifelong connections in our small community of addictions biblical counselors while growing in your walk with Christ.

    How long does Commissioning take?

    You can expect the entire process, not including prerequisite or supplemental training, to take around 3-to-4 months. Time for completion depends primarily on you.

    The process may also take longer because this isn’t just about the commissioning candidate answering questions. It is about walking alongside the candidate to ensure he or she understands not only what biblical addiction counseling is, but how to help those struggling with addiction to apply the Word to their addiction and their lives in general. At times, when a commissioning candidate is weak on a particular issue, the disciple-making team may assign additional homework on a specific subject and teach on that subject. For instance, if someone doesn’t really have a firm understanding of the work of the Holy Spirit in biblical addiction counseling, the disciple-making team will assign reading and assignments and teach on the work of the Holy Spirit.

    How much does it cost?

    $635.00, which does not include the separate cost of the online course that you choose to take: Fundamentals of Addiction Biblical Counseling ($97.00) or Addictions Counseling Specialization ($197). 

    Do I have to pay right away?

    No, you do not. However, we do ask that you submit at least one partial payment before advancement to the Final Evaluation stage of Commissioning.

    You may pay by installments (or all at once) at this link.

    Is there a deadline to finish once I've started?

    There is no deadline for completion. The process will have inevitable breaks, and this is to be expected. 3-4 months is an estimation based on meeting weekly and covering 5-6 questions (from the 40 Questions) per week.

    The process may also take longer because this isn’t just about the Commissioning Candidate answering questions. It is about walking alongside the candidate to ensure he or she understands not only what biblical addiction counseling is, but how to help those struggling with addiction to apply the Word to their addiction and their lives in general.

    At times, when a commissioning candidate is weak on a particular issue, the disciple-making team may assign additional homework on a specific subject and teach on that subject. For instance, if someone doesn’t really have a firm understanding of the work of the Holy Spirit in biblical addiction counseling, the disciple-making team will assign reading and assignments and teach on the work of the Holy Spirit.

    I’m ACBC, IABC, or have similar credentials. Will that help me in Commissioning?

    Yes! We individualize the Commissioning Process for those who have completed prior training or have extensive experience in biblical addiction counseling.

    To get started, please fill out Application A (the online form) found on this page. Be sure to fill out the date and location of your training whether it’s ACBC, IABC, or other training in counseling. 

    Does it help me get a job at a church?

    We cannot make any guarantees. This process demonstrates your seriousness and willingness to learn. This training equips you with the necessary skills to counsel an addict using the Bible while relying upon Holy Spirit.

    Is Commissioning a certification?

    No, but you will receive a very nice certificate upon completion of CABC; however, we call this process commissioning for two reasons. First, we want to avoid confusion with any official secular and governmental designations that use the word certification. Second, we want to be thoroughly biblical and believe that the term commissioning better embodies what we do.

    As a small part of the Body of Christ, The Addiction Connection does not believe that we have the absolute authority to entrust a ministry charge or illicit a commitment to ministry. Rather, we believe these are functions of our Lord Jesus. When we commission someone as an addictions Biblical counselor, we are simply agreeing with Christ’s call and work in his or her life. Christ entrusts us as His people to carry on His work until He returns.

    If you just break the word down, you get co-missioning, as in we are on mission together. That is exactly what we are to be about. Jesus has commissioned us to be about His mission together—making disciples of all people, including those who have been enslaved by addictive behavior. Being a commissioned counselor with the Addiction Connection means being a part of a disciple-making team, so you will never be alone in the work!

    I want to commission my whole staff. How will this work?

    We love this idea.

    Keep in mind that Commissioning is an individualized and personalized process, meaning each person will:

    1. Submit his/her own applications
    2. Complete all pre-requisites independently 
    3. Learn at his/her own pace
    4. Progress through the stages independently of one another
    5. Display interest and ownership of his/her own CABC process

    For this idea to be successful, we would recommend that you first complete the Commissioning Process yourself. After your completion, we can discuss options to help your whole staff (or group) be Commissioned.

    Is there a discount for married couples or groups?

    Email [email protected] to request more information about our married-couple discount or group rate.

    Where do I direct any questions or concerns during the process?

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